We have obtained funding for R&D works within the Smart Growth Operational Programme.

flaga UE

Subject of co-financing

We are pleased to announce that on December 28, 2017, we have signed a co-financing agreement with the National Centre for Research and Development within the Smart Growth Operational Programme.

Under this agreement, industrial research and development works concerning the development of biometric technology for confirming the identity of persons for the needs of a multifunctional, self-service financial kiosk will be co-financed.

Project budget: PLN 1 272 732.78

The value of the co-financing: PLN 935 256.34

Smart Growth Operational Programme

Smart Growth is a single-fund programme, financed entirely from the European Regional Development Fund. This determines its investment character. The areas and types of projects supported by the Programme in the years 2014-2020 have been defined in the Programme itself and in the detailed description of its priorities. The areas and types of projects are specified in detail in the priority axes and the measures into which they are divided.

R&D projects of enterprises

The support covers the implementation by an enterprise (alone or as a consortium leader) of research, mainly industrial research or experimental development activities, aimed at developing new or substantially improved solutions, including the preparation of experimental prototypes and pilot installations.

For the financing of R&D by enterprises, separate financing schemes may be applied to projects concerning the implementation of R&D works related to the construction of a pilot/demonstration installation by an enterprise or a consortium involving an enterprise.
